regular visits

美 [ˈreɡjələr ˈvɪzɪts]英 [ˈreɡjələ(r) ˈvɪzɪts]
  • 经常光顾
regular visitsregular visits
  1. My aunt 's regular visits break into my weekend .


  2. I didn 't feel any improvement in my condition in the first couple of days , but after a few more regular visits to the doctor , my cough started to lessen .


  3. But through all this , Hannah still has the through life of a Winnipeg schoolgirl , except that she pays regular visits to homeless people .


  4. I enjoy the regular visits to other branches round the country .


  5. Regular visits to the dentist can help spot warning signs .


  6. However , a number of worldwide organizations made up of volunteers make regular visits to developing countries


  7. Maintain regular visits to the dentist . Go at least twice a year .


  8. The young people made it a point of paying regular visits to the veteran workers .


  9. Regular visits to your GP will help you keep a check on your overall health .


  10. During his regular visits in the past five years , he also has gained experience of working with Chinese management .


  11. His job involves endless business trips , which fuel his desire to make regular visits home .


  12. Headquarters to assist business professionals and regular visits to help guide the enhancement of competitiveness .


  13. Organizes regular visits in accordance to a predetermined plan .


  14. Make regular visits to your dentist .


  15. Family members should also pay regular visits to their parents who live in nursing institutions , according to the regulation .


  16. Establish professional customer relationship with our existing accounts through regular visits and calls to know their needs in their future projects .


  17. It 's provided on the condition that Gil takes him for regular visits to a health clinic .


  18. He pays me regular visits .


  19. Carve out 20 minutes each day to commune with nature : Regular visits to areas with trees reduce stress .


  20. Carve out20 minutes each day to commune with nature : Regular visits to areas with trees reduce stress .


  21. Be sure to check with your doctor when taking this medication be sure to have regular visits to make sure this medication is working alright .


  22. A gardener makes regular visits to the 1,000-square-foot space , and a drip-irrigation system delivers measured amounts of water to different plant zones .


  23. The United States and China are working to improve nation-to-nation relations through regular visits and consultations on bilateral , regional and global political , economic and security issues .


  24. And , we will be reminded of the privilege we share with regular visits by our users in our Connect-To-Patients Program .


  25. He waited for the girl 's regular visits to the sick cow just as impatiently as his dog waited to be fed .


  26. Immigration officers pay regular visits overseas to maintain close liaison with their counterparts abroad . On Safeguarding the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Foreign Exports Laborers


  27. He says he had been investing in China , for fidelity and personally , since 2005 and made regular visits to meet mainland companies including 14 on his most recent visit .


  28. In addition , a teacher pays regular visits to the hotel , teaching the little guests paper cutting , clay sculpture and the like , which have largely aroused their interest .


  29. It is hoped that the ability to test protein levels in saliva on regular visits to the dentist could help to boost early breast cancer detection rates in a number of women .


  30. As an elected village leader , 30-year-old Chandra Kala makes regular visits to the bank a few kilometres away although she is illiterate .
